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Β· 2 min read
Victor Kozub

In 2012, I developed the ideal architecture for the the best ever compiler of programming ACPUL consisting of layers and transformers. The main idea is the transparency of the compiled code's passage from start to finish for advanced refactoring, debugging, profiling, monitoring and optimizations with real-time time travel debugger (like Tommorow Corporation).

The code goes through multiple transformation stages and was also developed sequentially from 1 to 8 stages. These stages are what I will write about in the following articles:

This is all that is needed for the Matrix.


The ACPUL parser is created using EBNF of The Compiler Generator Coco/R by Dr. Hanspeter MΓΆssenbΓΆck. Coco/R is a simple programming language, which is great in programming since it has the capability to compile itself. The output consists of independent C++ POSIX files: Parser.h/c, Scanner.h/c. Amazing! πŸ˜„

Just a few rules of ACPUL EBNF and you get the whole world.

The Best Language Architecture​

The structure of the ACPUL compiler.

  1. Block, Expression, Object, ObjectMap, Processor
  2. CodeBlock, CodeInstruction, Compiler
  3. Executor, ExecutionBlock, CodeBuilder, Core, FormulaInstance, Interpreters, BuildFile, CoreTest
  4. Dumper, CoreData, ErrorNumbers, Error, AParser, AScanner, AErrors
  5. Utils, DumpHelper
  6. CoreInfo, InfoDelegate, InfoDelegateLog, Profile
  7. Debuggers, DataMatrix, ObjectGroup, DataMatrixOperation, DataMatrixFrame
  8. ObjectLocation, LiveComment, LiveLogging, InfoDelegateLiveLog, InfoDelegateLiviLoggingConnection

1. Block, Expression, Object, ObjectMap, Processor​

The base of ACPUL programming language.

2. CodeBlock, CodeInstruction, Compiler​

3. Executor, ExecutionBlock, CodeBuilder, Core, FormulaInstance, Interpreters, BuildFile, CoreTest​

4. Dumper, CoreData, ErrorNumbers, Error, AParser, AScanner, AErrors​

5. Utils, DumpHelper​

6. CoreInfo, InfoDelegate, InfoDelegateLog, Profile​

7. Debuggers, DataMatrix, ObjectGroup, DataMatrixOperation, DataMatrixFrame​

8. ObjectLocation, LiveComment, LiveLogging, InfoDelegateLiveLog, InfoDelegateLiviLoggingConnection​

Β· One min read
Victor Kozub

I'm constantly looking for the best things, so I decided to create a section for what I consider worth attention.

Observable Framework reactive with D3.js and SQL​

Interesting ideas in Observable Framework and HN


Infinitely Scroll Wikipedia with WikiScroll


Quiet-STaR: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Think Before Speaking​


Game bot AI​

A generalist AI agent for 3D virtual environments HN

Β· One min read
Victor Kozub

ACPUL is minimalistic like Lisp and I'm a Lisp fan, so I'll add interesting things here.


KamilaLisp a functional, flexible and concise Lisp inspired by Haskell and APL, among others.

Github and HN discussion.

Β· One min read
Victor Kozub

Hello! I've been creating software since the beginning.

Β· 2 min read
Victor Kozub

In the fall of 2022, it wasn't easy to find time due to constant attacks, but progress exceeded all expectations and I was preparing for a big launch.

Layers of Animation CPU​

Layer 0: Math, Physics, Quantum Physics, Electricy, Biology & Chemicals

Layer 1: Logic, Electronic, Hardware

Layer 2: Programming basics & hacks. Assembler, Block Schemes, MMU & Memory Managment

Layer 3: Programming languages: BASIC, C, C++, Algorthms Programming: Strings, Array, Maps, Sorting, IO, Networking. Classes, Match

Layer 4: Programming architecture: API, Web, VM, Platform independent, FPGA, Blockchain, Social & Esoteric programming, Unmainable Programming, Programmers as Rust Gears

Layer 5: AI programming: Copilot Programming, Programming as service AI, Multiverse Programming, Unmainable AI, AI self programming, Self-recovering schemes and robots, Self-destroyable hardware, Homemade chips. Politics AI programming clusters metaverses & Weapons robots AI

Layer 6: Quantum programming ?

Tasks update​

p1. llog events
+p2. llog multiline textview msg
p2.1 touch on/off msg view
p2.2 show msg view with index
p3. touch limit
p4. visible limit
p5. llog main texture
p7. llog scroller acceleration
p8. llog node attribute
p9. i18n load strings

1. site update
1.1 email user update
"Sign up below for updates, and be the first to know about it."

1. sys.llog2
+1.1 basic api
1.2 extend api - print format

+1.3 acpu: link fns base api
+1.4 acpu: impl new llog object type
1.5 acpu: impl select path
1.5.1 select base
1.5.2 push, pop
+1.5.3 get
+1.6 acpu: impl put, replace
+1.7 acpu: impl get
1.8 acpu: impl erase
+1.9 acpu: impl get children

1.10 events
1.10.1 put event date type: put, replace, erase path msg
1.10.2 events.on flag

2. llog.h acpul static
2.1 link logging
+2.1.1 link : livelog.h, llog.h, livelogging.h
2.1.2 link : ALiveLog2, link static llog
2.2 flag: log to net disable
2.3 fn sync to net
2.4 flag: events disable
2.5 flag: connect disable
+2.6 add events

+3. test llog
+3.1 test node

4. llog nodes tree view
+4.1 llog nodes view
+4.2 llog node
+4.2.1 path
4.2.2 text
4.3 scroller
4.4 events processing
4.4.1 put
4.4.2 replace
4.4.3 erase

Β· 4 min read
Victor Kozub

New Demo Video on TV Big Screen​

On this video, some of the AnimationCPU features are showcased, such as loading the latest news from HN using the API, real-time video processing and using mobile

Animation CPU Smart Development 1 from Animation CPU Studio on Vimeo.

New Demo Video on Mobile (ID)​

On this video, you can see how it looks in practice with an Apple iPad Mini.

New YC post on HN​

July 21, 2022, I posted on HN, I might as well duplicate it here.

Animation CPU smart development​

This is Animation CPU development team and we have been building smartest the world's smartest live coding programming platform for mobile since 2012

Animation CPU made from the scratch.

  • Metaverses

  • Games

  • Creative works & Clips

  • Apps

  • Presentations

  • Sites

Language & environment features:​
  • realtime profiling

  • realtime time travel debugger (just like Bret Victor)

  • single variable type - evertthing is float (GPU & AI optimized)

  • structured logs

  • everything is formula, formula is live code

  • everything is node - light thread or process

  • simple standard library for everything

  • designed for microcontrollers

  • pure & secure

  • no JIT

  • never halt

  • never crash

OS features:​
  • target platform independent

  • custom bootloader

User features:​
  • Twitch streaming

  • Video recording

  • Networking HTTP & P2P

  • Builtin code sync & live update

Development features​
  • built-in IDE

  • designed visual programming, everything is visible

  • UI/UX and no-code

  • everything is linked, navigation between UI, code and vm

  • everything is logging, save history with screens and video

  • export static rom

Team and social features:​
  • designed for team building

  • payment voting for formulas

  • chat

  • platform for building and improve all levels of apps like browser plugins

  • designed for AI

In order to fulfill our dreams of mobile coding from scratch, a unique architecture has been developed:

  • system of protection against critical errors

  • blocking long loops and recursions

  • blocking memory leaks

ACPUL programming language​

ACPUL programming language - a minimalistic language with a low entry threshold

  • very fast compilation

  • modularity and flexibility

  • is a level 0 assembler for the ability to create more advanced languages ​​and tools based on it

Animation CPU is an OS capable of running on bare matal due to its modularity and minimal dependencies.

If you would like to try AnimationCPU on your Apple device, we can submit TestFlight, please email me

Due to lack of resources, our website is very primitive right now, but we are working on delivery to the AppStore.

Please follow Twitter and Instgram

Support us: bc1qnkj44rdj790razlt6p4js9y2ay8qwc5dntu2yu

Or just buy coffee with Paypal:

Interested in becoming an early ACPUL developer? Please mail me also

Thanks for watching :)

Tasks update​

1. acpu 
1.1 ui fix
- fix buttons pos RESET SAVE
- editor width
- formula left right move
1.2 publish appstore
- hn formulas
- acpu site update
- site
-- issues | 0123 | Wrong data | video
-- requests/work/jobs/grants | 050000 (fid.start) | 500010 (fid.end) | 10 (range) | 1000 $ACPU (reward) | info
- acpu post issues - screeshot + ui selection
1.3 acpu-server sync uploading
- block send -> response block hash -> approve, next block
- hotfix: if flag stop media block, then send control block, flag clear - mutex

+1. site
1.1 site update
2. publish appstore
+3. sync files list
+3.1 livecomment files list
4. scroller
5. save position
6. hn: live update
7. hn: comments
8. http: reload if error
9. acpu: apply button
9.1 apply link formula update
10. acpu: screen move components button <-> state
11. acpu: save livecomment state
+12. - livecomment by name
!12.1 volatile

1. llog2 add map [lnode]=nid and check
2. event 'put' -> update text
2.1 update once - optimization
2.1.1 todo: review on llog level event 'update'
+3. llog2 view move on bg
+4. llog2 view blend mode
5. bn apply
+6. ide
+6.1 bn toogle IDE
+6.2 bn toogle GN

Β· One min read
Victor Kozub

New Animation CPU Studio Video​

Finally, after 5 years of development this sunny summer of 2017 all parts came together and development on mobile devices became a reality

I present to you the premiere of Legendary ACPU Studio 1.0